Friday, December 14, 2012

15th Entry - Do Unto Others...Part 2

So you already know that I have always tried to adhere to the Golden Rule.  Not everyone does, but some do.  I have two uncles (my dad's brothers) who have helped me pay my rent, utilities, food, etc. from time to time.  I have a dear friend in Denver and her sister in Georgia who have been generous and helped me stay afloat.  There's a small church in Gainesville who has helped me over the years.  My niece sent my daughter $30.00 last year.  My Sister in Christ, who opened her home to me when I was homeless, helped me pay for my move, given me clothes, food, and allowed me to work off most of the money she loaned me.  In a moment of hopeless desperation I started this blog.  Since then, I have felt the power of your Prayers in my life.  Amid all of the frustration of dealing with government red tape, trying to find doctors, and STILL dealing with hunger and poverty, your Faithful Prayers have kept me from becoming overwhelmed.  As my body weakens, my Faith increases.  Although this Christmas won't have much bling, I  have so much to be thankful for.  I try to cherish my Blessings and every day of my existence.  I cherish YOU!  May our Loving Father richly Bless you for your Prayers and Faithfulness.  


  1. May your strength, courage and patience help you through this difficult time. Jesus came to be with the poor, to live and work with the poor. He helped and healed the poor. He said it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of an needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The gross commercialization of Christmas is an insult to him and everything he taught us. I hope blessings come your way soon.

  2. Thank you, Mina. Your support and encouragement helps me a lot. May you be Blessed!
