Wednesday, May 15, 2013

24th Entry - Unconditional Love

Greetings in the Name of our Savior, Jesus the Messiah!
Have you noticed that a lot of people who call themselves Christians apparently do not understand what God's Unconditional Love really is?
Most all "Religions" put conditions on God's Love.  You can't be this or you must do that.  How disrespectful to our Divine Creator and Savior!  God tells us in His Word (The Bible) that in order to become part of His Family, you must accept Jesus' (The prophesied Messiah, The Ultimate Lamb of God) Blood as the only Sacrifice for redemption of your sins.  With that, acknowledging that He was born of a Virgin, lived a sinless life as a human being, sacrificed His Perfectness for you, and arose from the grave in His Godly proof that He overcame human death and lives forever in Heaven.  We can be a part of His family, enjoying the riches of His Kingdom for ever and ever!
NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that there any other conditions to becoming part of His family.  Therefore He accepts criminals, mean/hateful people, unmarried cohabitators, and yes, even homosexuals!  When church goers sing the invitation song "Just As I Am" it should mean just that.  Get over your own prejudices and accept God's Perfect Will.
Have you ever wondered why Jews no longer use a blood sacrifice to atone for their sins?  When did God change His mind?  He didn't.  No matter how you cut it, God has ALWAYS required a blood sacrifice from an innocent mammal.  He came in the form of a human and sacrificed His Holy Blood as the only acceptable offering to purge our sins.  He adopts us into His Family and NEVER reneges on His Promises.  In Jewish law, a parent can disown their birth children, but are strictly prohibited from disowning an adopted child.
John 3:16
If you are reading this post, that means you are still alive.  That means that God's Perfect Plan is still working in your life.  You still have something to do here.
It has taken me a long time to realize this and I now submit to His will with every beat of my heart.
Although I thought I started this blog as a cathartic attempt to preserve my sanity in difficult times, I truly believe that God inspired me to start and continue with it.  I hope to encourage everyone that though we hit some very difficult situations in this life, God is always there taking care of us.  We cannot see the future, but God does.  It is impossible to figure out why and what He has in store for our future.  We must have Faith like a child (His Child) and continue on our journey through this life.  The relationship we have with God is very personal, unique, and intimate.  As your Sister in Christ, I Pray for every one of you who is reading this.  I also Pray for those who haven't made that leap of Faith yet.  Remember what I said in an earlier post about if I am wrong about this whole God thing then poof, I turn into dust.  However if YOU are wrong about this God thing, you lose your opportunity of eternal happiness and have sentenced yourself to the exact opposite, eternal suffering and pain.  Is is worth the risk?
God is Good.  God is Love.  God is Patient.  God is Kind.
These are the behaviors we followers of Christ must exemplify.
Be Blessed.

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