Greetings Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
Some of you have read all of the past twenty nine posts I have made. You know how bad it was in the beginning and how I have stepped out in complete Faith and Service to God. I have made some huge changes in my live and have grown immensely Spiritually.
However, you have also seen that it has not been an easy journey. Six weeks after I moved here, I was hospitalized for almost a week with cellulitis. A home health care nurse had to come out three times a week to help me clean my wound for two more months after my discharge from the hospital. The Department of Education/The Department of Revenue erroneously double dipped into my meager Social Security Disability Check leaving me with only $600.00 monthly income for the first five months I was here. It took five months to get approved for food stamps. In February you remember that due to unmitigated ice build up onto the sidewalk, I fell and received a concussion, my right pinky finger was holding on only by the skin, my back was hurt, and I got several scrapes and bruises. No attorney in town will help me. Five and a half months later I required additional surgery on my pinky finger and carpal tunnel repair. Two weeks after the surgery, I fell again on a patio brick which had a twelve inch rut under it and when I stepped on it. I went down falling on the very hand that has been disabled for six months! Although the property owners had previously repaired the brick situation twice before, I was told that it was my fault! They have labeled me a troublemaker and a scammer. At the Thursday morning co-ed Bible class I was attending, I requested Prayer because of all the additional expenses I have incurred from the falls, etc. At least one person from that group ran in to the property manager's office telling her that I was asking for money! The hateful property manager promptly placed a sign right over my mailbox stating:
There are some scams going around the park. Don't believe all you hear. Some people will try their best to make you believe they need your money.
Take care of yourself, this does not make you a person that is in the wrong or a bad person.
Some scams have been going on for a long time and we have tried to keep you all in touch with the ones that are currently going on.
This is the kind of "Christian" who is in every church in this world today.
So, remember that I mentioned I and my daughter had also joined a Women's Prayer group on Friday mornings? Well, the "God inspired" facilitator was insistently pushing a very reserved woman to facilitate the next study segment. Somehow my 27 year old daughter got stuck with the task. It required organizing lessons into weekly subjects and copying and collating 8 to 12 pages from a workbook for seven participants. We're talking $8-$10 a week in copying expense! They know we are so broke we can't even afford gas money! The reserved woman copied/collated/paid for the first week and gave us some money which paid for the second week's lesson and most of the third. I called the facilitator to ask if she had a copier which would copy from a book. She said yes. When I explained the cost situation to her, she agreed to make the copies this week. I was at the store when she arrived at my home to pick up the workbook and my daughter had the misfortune of greeting her. Whereupon she immediately lit into my daughter saying that she "should plan better", she "should know the cost of building a house" (or in this case starting a project/assuming a responsibility) which she could not fulfill. She told my daughter that she could "back it up with scripture". Then she had the audacity to ask my daughter how much this was going her. Really? She just told me on the phone that she had her own copier which would do the job! That coming from the same woman who thrust an unrequested task on an impoverished young woman! We even stated during the first lesson that we did not have the financial means to make these copies. The woman went so far as to say that we were being unfair. This is the same woman who has been very free with her disapproving opinion of me for months.
This month on the ninth I turned 62 years old. I had additional expenses with a tag renewal, insurance renewal, and glasses for my daughter. I asked the pastor of a church we were attending if her could help to pay half of my rent and I was willing to work it off. He said he had to make a few calls and call me back. He called me back in 4 minutes (after calling the wicked property manager) saying that he refused to help me because my financial problems were "a way of life" for me. He even refused to Pray for me!
My twenty one year old car needs a starter, battery, fan motor, tire repair, tires, more brake work, etc.
I have to pay property insurance on my 35 year old mobile home @ $100.00 and repairs as they crop up.
So what is God trying to tell me? After a horribly abusive childhood, two horribly abusive marriages, singlehandedly raising my children in poverty, working hard only to lose my 401k in the economic crash, getting breast cancer and not being able to work, and becoming homeless because I had no more money to pay my rent. I followed God's lead and moved 1,700 mile to a place I have never been nor know anyone. By Faith. So here I am. Over my head in expenses and constantly being attacked by "Christians", the lying property manager, injuries which were no fault of mine, and any one and/or circumstance which is beyond my control. For YEARS I have begged God to deliver me from the burden/spirit of poverty. I live and walk in Faith. I Pray, study His Word, and gladly serve Him with an open heart. I didn't deserve the abusive childhood and marriages no more than I deserve the poverty, cancer crippling arthritis, spinal disease, gossip, lies, and all the other crap I am forced to bear. The Bible tells me that God promises me an abundant life. Abundant with what? It also tells me that God's people will prosper. Really? Well, if that is true, then apparently I am NOT a child of God and/or He hates me. In that case, I am truly, truly sorry for misleading every last one of you. I am in a very dark place right now and have to figure out how (or if) I should handle this. I feel that God refuses to deliver me and I am just waiting on my death. Please forgive me.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
29th Entry - Your Free Gift!
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Greetings in the Holy Name of Our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah!
What would you do if you learned you had just won a million dollars - no strings attached. A life changing free gift. It would be foolish to say No, I just do not want a million dollars and prefer to live my live as it is. Well you really DO have a free gift worth much more than a million dollars. Your Divine Creator, Almighty God has given you a free gift of Eternal Life through the shed Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Messiah. The Bible tells us in Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verse 8, it says:
"For by Grace are ye saved through Faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the Gift of God".
I accepted Jesus and was born into the Family of God. You can too.
My childhood was for the most part a nightmare. I had to search and struggle on my own in my Spiritual Maturation. It has taken many years and much unnecessary heartaches and hardships because of my self reliance, instead of seeking my Father's guidance and advice through Faithful Prayer, Worship, and reading His word (the Bible).
Now I am an old woman. On October 9th I will be 62 years old. From reading this blog, you know that I am dealing with a plethora of health problems, including Cancer and of course, that fall I took in February leaving my right hand nearly unusable. I don't like to publicly lament my failing health and financial woes. However, last week I was diagnosed with multilevel Degenerative Disc Disease in my spine. I have been in excruciating pain for several months now to the point where I cannot get out of bed as I usually do. With all the other health issues I have, I just don't need more! Having to bear the burden of medical co-pays, etc., my meager SS Disability check does not cover all my bills & expenses. Every month I feel like a juggler, robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak.
So why do you suppose God is allowing me to go through all of this?
Why do true Christians go through pain and trials?
He is building our strength as His children so we can handle what is ahead. Our Gracious Father Blesses us for our Faithfulness and perseverance.
As you have read in this blog, He provides our every NEED. He has provided me with your Prayers and support to help me muddle through all of this stuff. I Pray for all of you, too. I know most of you are going through a lot as well. Don't give up! God wants you (& me) to succeed as His Faithful Children. We must continue to hold each other up to the Throne of God for His Mercy, Guidance, and Blessing.
We have this priceless Gift and Eternal life to look forward to. All of God's true Believers will be together for all eternity in Love, Happiness, Peace, and Immortality. There will be an absence of everything negative and painful. We will leave these old broken down, worn out bodies for new ones that will never age or fail! Let's rejoice in our Salvation! Don't let anyone bog you down with issues about things mentioned in the Bible that have nothing to do with Salvation!
Focus on the Gift.
Focus on the Love.
Focus on your purpose.
Be Blessed!
Greetings in the Holy Name of Our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah!
What would you do if you learned you had just won a million dollars - no strings attached. A life changing free gift. It would be foolish to say No, I just do not want a million dollars and prefer to live my live as it is. Well you really DO have a free gift worth much more than a million dollars. Your Divine Creator, Almighty God has given you a free gift of Eternal Life through the shed Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, the Messiah. The Bible tells us in Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verse 8, it says:
"For by Grace are ye saved through Faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the Gift of God".
I accepted Jesus and was born into the Family of God. You can too.
My childhood was for the most part a nightmare. I had to search and struggle on my own in my Spiritual Maturation. It has taken many years and much unnecessary heartaches and hardships because of my self reliance, instead of seeking my Father's guidance and advice through Faithful Prayer, Worship, and reading His word (the Bible).
Now I am an old woman. On October 9th I will be 62 years old. From reading this blog, you know that I am dealing with a plethora of health problems, including Cancer and of course, that fall I took in February leaving my right hand nearly unusable. I don't like to publicly lament my failing health and financial woes. However, last week I was diagnosed with multilevel Degenerative Disc Disease in my spine. I have been in excruciating pain for several months now to the point where I cannot get out of bed as I usually do. With all the other health issues I have, I just don't need more! Having to bear the burden of medical co-pays, etc., my meager SS Disability check does not cover all my bills & expenses. Every month I feel like a juggler, robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak.
So why do you suppose God is allowing me to go through all of this?
Why do true Christians go through pain and trials?
He is building our strength as His children so we can handle what is ahead. Our Gracious Father Blesses us for our Faithfulness and perseverance.
As you have read in this blog, He provides our every NEED. He has provided me with your Prayers and support to help me muddle through all of this stuff. I Pray for all of you, too. I know most of you are going through a lot as well. Don't give up! God wants you (& me) to succeed as His Faithful Children. We must continue to hold each other up to the Throne of God for His Mercy, Guidance, and Blessing.
We have this priceless Gift and Eternal life to look forward to. All of God's true Believers will be together for all eternity in Love, Happiness, Peace, and Immortality. There will be an absence of everything negative and painful. We will leave these old broken down, worn out bodies for new ones that will never age or fail! Let's rejoice in our Salvation! Don't let anyone bog you down with issues about things mentioned in the Bible that have nothing to do with Salvation!
Focus on the Gift.
Focus on the Love.
Focus on your purpose.
Be Blessed!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
28th Entry - Under Attack
Dearest Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
First and foremost, I beg your forgiveness for not being able to post any entries for so long.
I have been suffering from the side effects of my medications which has left me very fatigued and in bed 14-16 hours a day. In addition, with all of the Physical therapy in my right hand (due to the fall in Feb) my mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome kicked into high gear. It seems like my pinky finger will never bend the middle joint again. I had to have surgery on it on August 5th. Things were coming along fine until on August 19th when I stepped on a patio stone between my driveway and the skirting of my mobile home. Well, there was nothing under that stone for 12"! I stepped right on that stone. My foot was lodged in the hole and I fell forward. Yes, I landed on the hand that just had surgery, skinned both elbows & right knee, got a huge bump on my shin bone where it hit the next stone still in place, and hurt my back!
Can you see how obvious Satan is?
Can you see how he is attacking me?
Do you want to know why?
As you know by now, God led me to move here and has been Blessing me. I joined a Bible Study group here at the senior mobile home park where I live. About 30 people gather once a week and we are led by a Christian Brother who has a heart for God. I have really been Blessed being a part of this group. I am finding out the I and my daughter are not the only ones God called to move right here. There are several residents here with amazing testimonies similar to mine. One of the Christian Sisters invited me to their ladies' group of other Christian women who support each other and grow in the Holy Spirit. I have learned and grown so much! Now this next bit may shock you, knowing how I feel about churches, but I have started attending a church and although I don't agree with everything, I really do enjoy the fellowship.
So can you see how upset Satan is?
The Evil One knows that this is one of my missions. People around the world know of my hardships, struggles, and Blessings. God is being Glorified despite rough times!
I boldly declare the Jesus the Messiah is the ONLY acceptable sacrifice for our sins, His Spirit lives within me, and has Blessed me with gifts of the Spirit. There is a Spiritual Revival of the TRUE Christians (The Body) in the world today, in this neighborhood, in my heart and in YOUR heart too!
I thank you for all of your encouraging messages, Prayers, and Faithfulness.
Learn from my experiences, good and bad, and keep serving our Loving God.
Speak to Him.
Listen to Him.
Exalt Him.
Be Blessed!
First and foremost, I beg your forgiveness for not being able to post any entries for so long.
I have been suffering from the side effects of my medications which has left me very fatigued and in bed 14-16 hours a day. In addition, with all of the Physical therapy in my right hand (due to the fall in Feb) my mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome kicked into high gear. It seems like my pinky finger will never bend the middle joint again. I had to have surgery on it on August 5th. Things were coming along fine until on August 19th when I stepped on a patio stone between my driveway and the skirting of my mobile home. Well, there was nothing under that stone for 12"! I stepped right on that stone. My foot was lodged in the hole and I fell forward. Yes, I landed on the hand that just had surgery, skinned both elbows & right knee, got a huge bump on my shin bone where it hit the next stone still in place, and hurt my back!
Can you see how obvious Satan is?
Can you see how he is attacking me?
Do you want to know why?
As you know by now, God led me to move here and has been Blessing me. I joined a Bible Study group here at the senior mobile home park where I live. About 30 people gather once a week and we are led by a Christian Brother who has a heart for God. I have really been Blessed being a part of this group. I am finding out the I and my daughter are not the only ones God called to move right here. There are several residents here with amazing testimonies similar to mine. One of the Christian Sisters invited me to their ladies' group of other Christian women who support each other and grow in the Holy Spirit. I have learned and grown so much! Now this next bit may shock you, knowing how I feel about churches, but I have started attending a church and although I don't agree with everything, I really do enjoy the fellowship.
So can you see how upset Satan is?
The Evil One knows that this is one of my missions. People around the world know of my hardships, struggles, and Blessings. God is being Glorified despite rough times!
I boldly declare the Jesus the Messiah is the ONLY acceptable sacrifice for our sins, His Spirit lives within me, and has Blessed me with gifts of the Spirit. There is a Spiritual Revival of the TRUE Christians (The Body) in the world today, in this neighborhood, in my heart and in YOUR heart too!
I thank you for all of your encouraging messages, Prayers, and Faithfulness.
Learn from my experiences, good and bad, and keep serving our Loving God.
Speak to Him.
Listen to Him.
Exalt Him.
Be Blessed!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
27th Entry - The Miracle of Prayer
Greetings in the Holy Name of Our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah!
Prayer is not all about telling God how sorry you are for your sins, nor is it all about telling Him your needs & desires, nor is it about telling Him you want to be healed, etc. Prayer is also about LISTENING. No, it is not wrong to tell God your needs, desires, repentance, etc. Successful, effective Prayers involve active listening to God and for His will in your life. When you ask a question or make a request, listen for His reply. Keep listening. Keep Praying.
Your Prayers have kept me on the Right Track in following God. I firmly believe that God led me and my daughter to this part of the country. We have found others with a similar testimony. We have joined a wonderful Bible study on Thursday mornings in the clubhouse where we live. We also found out about a women's Bible & Prayer gathering every Friday morning! What a wonderful Blessing! The Holy Spirit is not only moving in my life, but in the lives of others too.
I Pray for each one of you who take the time to read, follow, and share my blog. God wants to Bless you for your Faithfulness to Him and the true Church - the Saved Followers of Christ. His Holy Spirit lives inside of each member of His Church and desires for us to be happy and strong. Each day we are here on this planet we are one day closer to Paradise. How we live our Christian lives and walk our Christian walk depends on our Love for God and our willingness to serve Him. Would your family, co-workers, friends, neighbors, or casual acquaintances say you are a kind, loving Christian?
This month has been a very difficult one financially. About 2 weeks ago our car died in the grocery store parking lot. It was the alternator. We had to take the rent money to pay for the repair. So how am I going to pay the lot rent? I have NO idea! But God does! I really need you all to Pray hard for my financial needs. Pray that somehow, some way, God will provide as He always does.
As I encourage you to hang in there during difficult situations, I am hanging on as well. Isn't it wonderful to know that we are hanging on to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Holy Creator of all! You just can't get any better than that!
Please Pray for me.
Please Pray for you.
Please Pray.
Please Listen.
Please Praise Him!
Please Be Blessed.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
26th Entry - Christian Maturation
Greetings in the Holy Name of Our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah!
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I thought life would be easier, nicer. Yet it seemed to be anything but that! I prayed, followed His directions (as much as I could) and tried to be Faithful. But it seemed that I was not progressing in Spiritual/Christian maturity. In my Prayer time I would ask God why He wasn't listening to me, etc. While awaiting His response, He zapped into my thick head that in addition to accepting His precious gift of Salvation, I must turn away from my old ways and habits. That means a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction! Oh, and this turning away is not just my actions, but my thoughts and attitude as well. In addition, I had to change my daily habits to include Prayer and Bible time with God.
Being a Christian in this world is NOT easy! We first start out as babes in Christ and continue to grow/mature in the Spirit. As we grow, we gain strength, knowledge, and wisdom in our Christian life and walk with God.
I Prayed for patience once. That was an eye opener. How do you learn patience? By having your patience tried, over and over again.
In the beginning of this blog I was at my wit's end. I asked God to deliver me from the burden of poverty for over NINE (9) years! Trust me, things got worse before they got better.
Praying for each other gives us strength in the Spirit as you have seen me grow and mature as a Servant of God. Your Prayers have helped me survive many difficult issues and situations. I hope my Prayers have Blessed and strengthened you too.
The Bible tells us "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint". You are witness to how I have waited on the Lord, and He has richly Blessed me not only with my needs, but with this worldwide Prayer chain blog.
Sisters and Brothers in Christ, hang in there. Don't give up! Walk in Love with your Creator and go boldly to His Throne in the Name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He said He "will NEVER leave us or forsake us". God never breaks His promises.
Walk with Him.
Talk with Him.
Love Him.
Be Blessed.
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I thought life would be easier, nicer. Yet it seemed to be anything but that! I prayed, followed His directions (as much as I could) and tried to be Faithful. But it seemed that I was not progressing in Spiritual/Christian maturity. In my Prayer time I would ask God why He wasn't listening to me, etc. While awaiting His response, He zapped into my thick head that in addition to accepting His precious gift of Salvation, I must turn away from my old ways and habits. That means a 180 degree turn in the opposite direction! Oh, and this turning away is not just my actions, but my thoughts and attitude as well. In addition, I had to change my daily habits to include Prayer and Bible time with God.
Being a Christian in this world is NOT easy! We first start out as babes in Christ and continue to grow/mature in the Spirit. As we grow, we gain strength, knowledge, and wisdom in our Christian life and walk with God.
I Prayed for patience once. That was an eye opener. How do you learn patience? By having your patience tried, over and over again.
In the beginning of this blog I was at my wit's end. I asked God to deliver me from the burden of poverty for over NINE (9) years! Trust me, things got worse before they got better.
Praying for each other gives us strength in the Spirit as you have seen me grow and mature as a Servant of God. Your Prayers have helped me survive many difficult issues and situations. I hope my Prayers have Blessed and strengthened you too.
The Bible tells us "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint". You are witness to how I have waited on the Lord, and He has richly Blessed me not only with my needs, but with this worldwide Prayer chain blog.
Sisters and Brothers in Christ, hang in there. Don't give up! Walk in Love with your Creator and go boldly to His Throne in the Name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He said He "will NEVER leave us or forsake us". God never breaks His promises.
Walk with Him.
Talk with Him.
Love Him.
Be Blessed.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
25th Entry - Bloom Where You Are Planted!
Greetings in the Holy Name of Our Savior, Jesus, the Messiah!
I saw this motivational poster which was a picture of a dry, rocky ground with a beautiful flower growing up through the cracks. It was flourishing in the most hostile environment! It reminded me of the scriptures about how if God feeds the grass in the fields, how much more does He take care of you!
Being sick, in pain, hungry, poor, homeless, rejected, abused, etc. can make you wonder how it is even possible to flourish in such hostile conditions. Should we just give up? Although some of us seem to endure more hardships than others, we MUST press on toward the goal of Glorifying our Creator and Savior. The hard times are when we are growing and/or learning the most. Since only God knows what is coming up in our future, we must trust Him to deliver us through the hard times.
I went back and re-read my blog from the beginning (again). Do you remember how desperate and confused I was? Do you remember how I wrote about having no furniture, etc.? Well, I would like to update you on that progress. We now have two (yes, 2) sofas, chairs for our dinner table, an small recliner, a microwave, toaster, mixer, refrigerator, and best of all, we both are sleeping in our own (not sharing) queen sized beds! Although we have been washing our clothes in the bathtub for the past 8+ months and desperately need a washer, we are grateful for all that God (and His people) have Blessed us with. We have learned to endure the hard times and wait on God.
Sometimes well meaning people will give us broken items and/or expired food from the food bank. We never disparage their well meaning efforts.
Because of your fervent Prayers for me and my daughter, God has heard you! He has not only Blessed me with my needs, He has Blessed me with this blog which has morphed into my Mission to serve and Glorify God.
No matter what hardship you are going through, God is there with you. Pray, listen, wait, learn.
Every day I bring each one of you reading this blog to the Throne of God for His Mercy, Healing, Blessing, Patience, and Guidance.
Take a deep breath.
God Loves you!
Bloom Where You Are Planted!
I saw this motivational poster which was a picture of a dry, rocky ground with a beautiful flower growing up through the cracks. It was flourishing in the most hostile environment! It reminded me of the scriptures about how if God feeds the grass in the fields, how much more does He take care of you!
Being sick, in pain, hungry, poor, homeless, rejected, abused, etc. can make you wonder how it is even possible to flourish in such hostile conditions. Should we just give up? Although some of us seem to endure more hardships than others, we MUST press on toward the goal of Glorifying our Creator and Savior. The hard times are when we are growing and/or learning the most. Since only God knows what is coming up in our future, we must trust Him to deliver us through the hard times.
I went back and re-read my blog from the beginning (again). Do you remember how desperate and confused I was? Do you remember how I wrote about having no furniture, etc.? Well, I would like to update you on that progress. We now have two (yes, 2) sofas, chairs for our dinner table, an small recliner, a microwave, toaster, mixer, refrigerator, and best of all, we both are sleeping in our own (not sharing) queen sized beds! Although we have been washing our clothes in the bathtub for the past 8+ months and desperately need a washer, we are grateful for all that God (and His people) have Blessed us with. We have learned to endure the hard times and wait on God.
Sometimes well meaning people will give us broken items and/or expired food from the food bank. We never disparage their well meaning efforts.
Because of your fervent Prayers for me and my daughter, God has heard you! He has not only Blessed me with my needs, He has Blessed me with this blog which has morphed into my Mission to serve and Glorify God.
No matter what hardship you are going through, God is there with you. Pray, listen, wait, learn.
Every day I bring each one of you reading this blog to the Throne of God for His Mercy, Healing, Blessing, Patience, and Guidance.
Take a deep breath.
God Loves you!
Bloom Where You Are Planted!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
24th Entry - Unconditional Love
Greetings in the Name of our Savior, Jesus the Messiah!
Have you noticed that a lot of people who call themselves Christians apparently do not understand what God's Unconditional Love really is?
Most all "Religions" put conditions on God's Love. You can't be this or you must do that. How disrespectful to our Divine Creator and Savior! God tells us in His Word (The Bible) that in order to become part of His Family, you must accept Jesus' (The prophesied Messiah, The Ultimate Lamb of God) Blood as the only Sacrifice for redemption of your sins. With that, acknowledging that He was born of a Virgin, lived a sinless life as a human being, sacrificed His Perfectness for you, and arose from the grave in His Godly proof that He overcame human death and lives forever in Heaven. We can be a part of His family, enjoying the riches of His Kingdom for ever and ever!
NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that there any other conditions to becoming part of His family. Therefore He accepts criminals, mean/hateful people, unmarried cohabitators, and yes, even homosexuals! When church goers sing the invitation song "Just As I Am" it should mean just that. Get over your own prejudices and accept God's Perfect Will.
Have you ever wondered why Jews no longer use a blood sacrifice to atone for their sins? When did God change His mind? He didn't. No matter how you cut it, God has ALWAYS required a blood sacrifice from an innocent mammal. He came in the form of a human and sacrificed His Holy Blood as the only acceptable offering to purge our sins. He adopts us into His Family and NEVER reneges on His Promises. In Jewish law, a parent can disown their birth children, but are strictly prohibited from disowning an adopted child.
John 3:16
If you are reading this post, that means you are still alive. That means that God's Perfect Plan is still working in your life. You still have something to do here.
It has taken me a long time to realize this and I now submit to His will with every beat of my heart.
Although I thought I started this blog as a cathartic attempt to preserve my sanity in difficult times, I truly believe that God inspired me to start and continue with it. I hope to encourage everyone that though we hit some very difficult situations in this life, God is always there taking care of us. We cannot see the future, but God does. It is impossible to figure out why and what He has in store for our future. We must have Faith like a child (His Child) and continue on our journey through this life. The relationship we have with God is very personal, unique, and intimate. As your Sister in Christ, I Pray for every one of you who is reading this. I also Pray for those who haven't made that leap of Faith yet. Remember what I said in an earlier post about if I am wrong about this whole God thing then poof, I turn into dust. However if YOU are wrong about this God thing, you lose your opportunity of eternal happiness and have sentenced yourself to the exact opposite, eternal suffering and pain. Is is worth the risk?
God is Good. God is Love. God is Patient. God is Kind.
These are the behaviors we followers of Christ must exemplify.
Be Blessed.
Have you noticed that a lot of people who call themselves Christians apparently do not understand what God's Unconditional Love really is?
Most all "Religions" put conditions on God's Love. You can't be this or you must do that. How disrespectful to our Divine Creator and Savior! God tells us in His Word (The Bible) that in order to become part of His Family, you must accept Jesus' (The prophesied Messiah, The Ultimate Lamb of God) Blood as the only Sacrifice for redemption of your sins. With that, acknowledging that He was born of a Virgin, lived a sinless life as a human being, sacrificed His Perfectness for you, and arose from the grave in His Godly proof that He overcame human death and lives forever in Heaven. We can be a part of His family, enjoying the riches of His Kingdom for ever and ever!
NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that there any other conditions to becoming part of His family. Therefore He accepts criminals, mean/hateful people, unmarried cohabitators, and yes, even homosexuals! When church goers sing the invitation song "Just As I Am" it should mean just that. Get over your own prejudices and accept God's Perfect Will.
Have you ever wondered why Jews no longer use a blood sacrifice to atone for their sins? When did God change His mind? He didn't. No matter how you cut it, God has ALWAYS required a blood sacrifice from an innocent mammal. He came in the form of a human and sacrificed His Holy Blood as the only acceptable offering to purge our sins. He adopts us into His Family and NEVER reneges on His Promises. In Jewish law, a parent can disown their birth children, but are strictly prohibited from disowning an adopted child.
John 3:16
If you are reading this post, that means you are still alive. That means that God's Perfect Plan is still working in your life. You still have something to do here.
It has taken me a long time to realize this and I now submit to His will with every beat of my heart.
Although I thought I started this blog as a cathartic attempt to preserve my sanity in difficult times, I truly believe that God inspired me to start and continue with it. I hope to encourage everyone that though we hit some very difficult situations in this life, God is always there taking care of us. We cannot see the future, but God does. It is impossible to figure out why and what He has in store for our future. We must have Faith like a child (His Child) and continue on our journey through this life. The relationship we have with God is very personal, unique, and intimate. As your Sister in Christ, I Pray for every one of you who is reading this. I also Pray for those who haven't made that leap of Faith yet. Remember what I said in an earlier post about if I am wrong about this whole God thing then poof, I turn into dust. However if YOU are wrong about this God thing, you lose your opportunity of eternal happiness and have sentenced yourself to the exact opposite, eternal suffering and pain. Is is worth the risk?
God is Good. God is Love. God is Patient. God is Kind.
These are the behaviors we followers of Christ must exemplify.
Be Blessed.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
23rd Entry - The Last Week of the Month
Greetings in the name of our Messiah, Jesus the Christ!
The last week of the month is always hard for people who receive their income once a month. Food runs short, toilet paper runs out (we use paper towels, napkins collected from fast food restaurants, whatever works, etc.), and transportation funds have dried up. Budgeting, planning, and living within your means help alleviate this problem, but it is always tough in the last week of the month. Because of your Prayers and good wishes, the last week of the month is getting less and less stressful! In addition, I Praise God and you faithful Prayer warriors, that the mess with my food stamps has been straightened out (after 7 months of aggravation) and my daughter & I will be getting a reasonable allotment starting May 1st! Additionally, I have been approved for Long Term Home Care and my daughter/caregiver will receive a meager stipend (8 & 1/2 hours per week)! Although this is not much money, it is more than we have coming in now.
Can you see how God hears our Prayers and Blesses us? Has God been Blessing you or are you still in the "waiting on God" stage? The latter stage is always the hardest. We have needs and want it now! In God's Perfect Will your needs will be met and your Prayers will be answered.
Religions are man made and are the interpretation of what they think God is and wants. They create confusion. God clearly tells us in His Holy Word that He is NOT the author of confusion. Your relationship with God is intimate and personal. Judging others by their Religion cannot please God. We are only accountable to God, NOT man.
This life is not easy for the true Christians. God tells us in his Holy Word (The Bible), that He is NOT the God of this world. This Earth is not our home! Our Home is with God in Heaven for all eternity! Our Rewards will be given when we arrive at our True Home. God tells us that our rewards must go through fire before they are distributed to us. The deeds we did for our own gratification are like wood, hay, and stubble. The will be destroyed by the fire. However, the deeds we did for the Glory of God, with a true and pure heart are like gold, silver, and precious stones. Those will endure the fire and be given to you to behold for all eternity in Paradise.
Ten million thank-yous cannot describe the gratitude for your faithful Prayers and support you have given me. I have grown from the very depths of despair, especially in the first few posts, to God Blessing me and directing me to live according to His Will. He can and will do the same for you.
Be Blessed and know that you are Loved and Highly Favored in God's Eyes.
The last week of the month is always hard for people who receive their income once a month. Food runs short, toilet paper runs out (we use paper towels, napkins collected from fast food restaurants, whatever works, etc.), and transportation funds have dried up. Budgeting, planning, and living within your means help alleviate this problem, but it is always tough in the last week of the month. Because of your Prayers and good wishes, the last week of the month is getting less and less stressful! In addition, I Praise God and you faithful Prayer warriors, that the mess with my food stamps has been straightened out (after 7 months of aggravation) and my daughter & I will be getting a reasonable allotment starting May 1st! Additionally, I have been approved for Long Term Home Care and my daughter/caregiver will receive a meager stipend (8 & 1/2 hours per week)! Although this is not much money, it is more than we have coming in now.
Can you see how God hears our Prayers and Blesses us? Has God been Blessing you or are you still in the "waiting on God" stage? The latter stage is always the hardest. We have needs and want it now! In God's Perfect Will your needs will be met and your Prayers will be answered.
Religions are man made and are the interpretation of what they think God is and wants. They create confusion. God clearly tells us in His Holy Word that He is NOT the author of confusion. Your relationship with God is intimate and personal. Judging others by their Religion cannot please God. We are only accountable to God, NOT man.
This life is not easy for the true Christians. God tells us in his Holy Word (The Bible), that He is NOT the God of this world. This Earth is not our home! Our Home is with God in Heaven for all eternity! Our Rewards will be given when we arrive at our True Home. God tells us that our rewards must go through fire before they are distributed to us. The deeds we did for our own gratification are like wood, hay, and stubble. The will be destroyed by the fire. However, the deeds we did for the Glory of God, with a true and pure heart are like gold, silver, and precious stones. Those will endure the fire and be given to you to behold for all eternity in Paradise.
Ten million thank-yous cannot describe the gratitude for your faithful Prayers and support you have given me. I have grown from the very depths of despair, especially in the first few posts, to God Blessing me and directing me to live according to His Will. He can and will do the same for you.
Be Blessed and know that you are Loved and Highly Favored in God's Eyes.
Monday, April 15, 2013
22nd Post - Cast Off!
Greetings in the name of our Messiah, Jesus the Christ!
Well, I finally got my cast off this week! It feels good not to be so restricted. My hand is still very swollen and my injured finger looks pretty bad. I discovered when my cast was removed that I that 2 metal rods inserted in my finger! Removing them was very painful. I nearly passed out. I start occupational therapy next week. Your prayers have sustained me.
God continues to bring to me various opportunities to share His Love and Mercy. Have you been looking for those opportunities too? These Spirit inspired opportunities are NOT the prepared "witness" dogma religion would have you believe. They are placed in your path to Glorify God to the world. You do not need a formal speech or certain scriptures, just your Love and Compassion for their soul. Sometimes all you have to do is listen and offer to Pray for them in their situation. Sometime it is sharing (succinctly) your similar experience and how your Faith in God help you survive. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. That is why it is so important to be in His will. Reading His Word (the Bible) will help you put on God's Holy Armor as you traverse this life. Actually, the Bible is a handbook for us to live our Christian life and Walk the Walk. It is not easy to understand, but God will definitely give you the specific interpretation needed for your Walk with God. Praying for the Leadership and Guidance of the Holy Spirit helps with understanding the Scriptures too.
God does not promise us a life of luxury and complete fulfillment here on this Earth. He promises to ALWAYS be with us and Eternal Life in Heaven with Him after our human bodies leave this life.
You have read how I have been struggling through my life with health problems, financial problems, family problems, etc. I know you have your own set of life challenges as well. Praying for each other strengthens not only the person you are Praying for, but yourself as well. Passing along the Praises of answered Prayer strengthens our spirit and heals our broken hearts. People are watching us as we walk this walk as God's children. Although we fail Him at times, we must always remember that our Testimony is how we live our lives, not our canned "God speech". Your family, friends, and neighbors know the "real you". Will they say that you are a compassionate Christian with moral standards and humility? You are the master of your own Testimony. There is an old saying that you can't Testify without tests. Praise God for everything in your life. Each day is a gift.
You faithful followers and Prayer Partners are a gift to me. I pray for you and hold you to God's Throne for his Guidance and Blessings in your lives.
Remember, if this old, cancer stricken, impoverished woman can make it through life's struggles, so can you!
I love you all and hope my candor helps you to cope and strengthens you in your lives.
Thank you and God Bless you!
Well, I finally got my cast off this week! It feels good not to be so restricted. My hand is still very swollen and my injured finger looks pretty bad. I discovered when my cast was removed that I that 2 metal rods inserted in my finger! Removing them was very painful. I nearly passed out. I start occupational therapy next week. Your prayers have sustained me.
God continues to bring to me various opportunities to share His Love and Mercy. Have you been looking for those opportunities too? These Spirit inspired opportunities are NOT the prepared "witness" dogma religion would have you believe. They are placed in your path to Glorify God to the world. You do not need a formal speech or certain scriptures, just your Love and Compassion for their soul. Sometimes all you have to do is listen and offer to Pray for them in their situation. Sometime it is sharing (succinctly) your similar experience and how your Faith in God help you survive. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. That is why it is so important to be in His will. Reading His Word (the Bible) will help you put on God's Holy Armor as you traverse this life. Actually, the Bible is a handbook for us to live our Christian life and Walk the Walk. It is not easy to understand, but God will definitely give you the specific interpretation needed for your Walk with God. Praying for the Leadership and Guidance of the Holy Spirit helps with understanding the Scriptures too.
God does not promise us a life of luxury and complete fulfillment here on this Earth. He promises to ALWAYS be with us and Eternal Life in Heaven with Him after our human bodies leave this life.
You have read how I have been struggling through my life with health problems, financial problems, family problems, etc. I know you have your own set of life challenges as well. Praying for each other strengthens not only the person you are Praying for, but yourself as well. Passing along the Praises of answered Prayer strengthens our spirit and heals our broken hearts. People are watching us as we walk this walk as God's children. Although we fail Him at times, we must always remember that our Testimony is how we live our lives, not our canned "God speech". Your family, friends, and neighbors know the "real you". Will they say that you are a compassionate Christian with moral standards and humility? You are the master of your own Testimony. There is an old saying that you can't Testify without tests. Praise God for everything in your life. Each day is a gift.
You faithful followers and Prayer Partners are a gift to me. I pray for you and hold you to God's Throne for his Guidance and Blessings in your lives.
Remember, if this old, cancer stricken, impoverished woman can make it through life's struggles, so can you!
I love you all and hope my candor helps you to cope and strengthens you in your lives.
Thank you and God Bless you!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
21st Entry - Surviving This Life
Greetings Faithful Followers & Newcomers!
Life is hard. Some have a harder times than others. Some cause hard times by their unfaithfulness and some endure hardships for no explainable reason. Nevertheless, life is hard.
I want you to know that our Loving and Merciful Father promised to never leave us or forsake us. How we deal with the hard times is one of our many tests to either strengthen or weaken us.
I started this blog to try to get a grip on the very hard times I have been going through. I have opened my heart and soul to the entire world. I am not looking for selfish fame and fortune, just sharing my hardships and my Faith in hopes to encourage others to hang in there and have Faith.
Although most of my blood family and so-called Christian family is very unsupportive, it is very disturbing and hurtful. There are a few ordained ministers in my blood family who have treated me in a most un-Christianlike manner. One moved to the same city where I lived about 15 years ago. Despite every effort I made to visit and communicate, he NEVER acknowledged my existence until he found out I had cancer! Then he was very nice and concerned. He took me & my daughter to dinner a few times and gave me $500.00 to help me pay my bills. I sent him a thank you card and continued to communicate until the long, awkward silence became obvious. Once I asked him why he didn't follow my blog. His Christian reply was that he did not like to read things which made him sad! Really! Another family minister asked me not to contact him again because he went through breast cancer with his wife and cannot deal with my hardships. Neither of them provided encouragement or moral/spiritual support. Their responses are typical of most of the other so called Christians in my life. Who and why would any person turn their backs on a sister experiencing such hardships?
These hardships I am going through are a test. They are a test for me as well as you. How do you handle your hardships? How do you handle the hardships of others? God sees and knows our hearts and intentions. If people disappoint you, especially in times of need, do not despair. As I have stated earlier in this and previous posts, we must focus on and trust only God Almighty who will never leave you or forsake you. Humans are not perfect, even if they are family, friends, and/or other Christians. Even you & I are as imperfect as the next person. It is our walk with God which strengthens us and gives testimony to all.
I need your feedback. What do you think? Has my blog helped you?
Please know that I Pray for everyone who takes the time to read and follow my blog.
Your strength and deliverance comes from your Creator, God.
You are Loved and Highly Favored!
Life is hard. Some have a harder times than others. Some cause hard times by their unfaithfulness and some endure hardships for no explainable reason. Nevertheless, life is hard.
I want you to know that our Loving and Merciful Father promised to never leave us or forsake us. How we deal with the hard times is one of our many tests to either strengthen or weaken us.
I started this blog to try to get a grip on the very hard times I have been going through. I have opened my heart and soul to the entire world. I am not looking for selfish fame and fortune, just sharing my hardships and my Faith in hopes to encourage others to hang in there and have Faith.
Although most of my blood family and so-called Christian family is very unsupportive, it is very disturbing and hurtful. There are a few ordained ministers in my blood family who have treated me in a most un-Christianlike manner. One moved to the same city where I lived about 15 years ago. Despite every effort I made to visit and communicate, he NEVER acknowledged my existence until he found out I had cancer! Then he was very nice and concerned. He took me & my daughter to dinner a few times and gave me $500.00 to help me pay my bills. I sent him a thank you card and continued to communicate until the long, awkward silence became obvious. Once I asked him why he didn't follow my blog. His Christian reply was that he did not like to read things which made him sad! Really! Another family minister asked me not to contact him again because he went through breast cancer with his wife and cannot deal with my hardships. Neither of them provided encouragement or moral/spiritual support. Their responses are typical of most of the other so called Christians in my life. Who and why would any person turn their backs on a sister experiencing such hardships?
These hardships I am going through are a test. They are a test for me as well as you. How do you handle your hardships? How do you handle the hardships of others? God sees and knows our hearts and intentions. If people disappoint you, especially in times of need, do not despair. As I have stated earlier in this and previous posts, we must focus on and trust only God Almighty who will never leave you or forsake you. Humans are not perfect, even if they are family, friends, and/or other Christians. Even you & I are as imperfect as the next person. It is our walk with God which strengthens us and gives testimony to all.
I need your feedback. What do you think? Has my blog helped you?
Please know that I Pray for everyone who takes the time to read and follow my blog.
Your strength and deliverance comes from your Creator, God.
You are Loved and Highly Favored!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
20th Entry - Serving Our Saviour Completely
Greetings in the name of our Loving and Gracious God!
My surgery went well, but the recovery is very painful and restricting. I still have ringing in my ears, headache, backache, etc. Although this has been a horrible experience at the worst possible time, I rejoice in the fact that my missionary field is increasing and I am Blessed with more opportunities to share God's Amazing Love and encourage distraught & disenfranchised Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Satan has been actively trying my Faith, but thanks to your fervent Prayers to the throne of God and my Strength in the Lord, I will NOT allow stumbling blocks to deter my Calling.
I am still struggling financially due to the unexpected co-pay costs from my fall. My phone/internet/cable is still off and will probably be off until May (or later). I go to the public library to get online. Most of my family did not respond to my unfortunate circumstances - not even best wishes, get well, or hang in there. I would be discouraged and depressed 6 months ago, but now I know only to put my Faith in God alone. Family, friends, Ministers, and other Christians will inevitably let you down, but God NEVER will!
If you are struggling with something in your life, seek God's Will and resolution and don't interfere with His direction. Pleasing others is NOT what we are here for. We are here because God Loves us and we want nothing but to please only Him by our Faithful Walk with Him. Bring Glory, Honor, and Praise every nanosecond of your life. He forgives our blunders and mistakes as long as we repent of our misdeeds.
I Pray for everyone who reads this blog all over the world that Almighty God will direct your life and Bless your Faith.
Please continue to Pray for me and share this blog to your friends & family. Together, we have power through our Lord and Messiah. Together we will Serve, Honor, and Praise Him in the knowledge that we will all be together for eternity in Gloryland! Hallelujah!
My surgery went well, but the recovery is very painful and restricting. I still have ringing in my ears, headache, backache, etc. Although this has been a horrible experience at the worst possible time, I rejoice in the fact that my missionary field is increasing and I am Blessed with more opportunities to share God's Amazing Love and encourage distraught & disenfranchised Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Satan has been actively trying my Faith, but thanks to your fervent Prayers to the throne of God and my Strength in the Lord, I will NOT allow stumbling blocks to deter my Calling.
I am still struggling financially due to the unexpected co-pay costs from my fall. My phone/internet/cable is still off and will probably be off until May (or later). I go to the public library to get online. Most of my family did not respond to my unfortunate circumstances - not even best wishes, get well, or hang in there. I would be discouraged and depressed 6 months ago, but now I know only to put my Faith in God alone. Family, friends, Ministers, and other Christians will inevitably let you down, but God NEVER will!
If you are struggling with something in your life, seek God's Will and resolution and don't interfere with His direction. Pleasing others is NOT what we are here for. We are here because God Loves us and we want nothing but to please only Him by our Faithful Walk with Him. Bring Glory, Honor, and Praise every nanosecond of your life. He forgives our blunders and mistakes as long as we repent of our misdeeds.
I Pray for everyone who reads this blog all over the world that Almighty God will direct your life and Bless your Faith.
Please continue to Pray for me and share this blog to your friends & family. Together, we have power through our Lord and Messiah. Together we will Serve, Honor, and Praise Him in the knowledge that we will all be together for eternity in Gloryland! Hallelujah!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
19th Entry - Praising God In Hard Times
Greetings Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
Your Faithful Prayers have been helping me to endure this latest challenge mentally, physically, and Spiritually. I am still suffering from my fall last week and am scheduled for the first surgery on this Monday, March 11th. With all this added expense of co-pays, medications, supplies, GAS, etc. my meager budget is blown out the window! This financial pressure weighs very heavily on me. I do not like to owe people money or be late on my bills. I have asked a few family members to help me out through this crisis. Let's see. In the meantime, my very frugal daughter clipped coupons and went online with our grocery store member card to get even more savings. She made a list and got most of the groceries we will need for the month. The total bill was $318.77. I almost died! I only get $113.00 in food stamps. Well, after we got all of the discounts, we only paid $120.27! We scraped up the extra cash for the difference, paid the lady and went home giddy. Now that is God working to provide for us the things we need. We Praise God for everything. Even this latest setback has me Praising Him and giving Him all the Glory for Victory over this evil world. It has given me new opportunities to declare His Mercy and Blessings. Your continuous Prayers are giving me strength to get through each day. I Pray that God will Bless you through whatever you are going through and remember to Praise God in the hard times, too!
Your Faithful Prayers have been helping me to endure this latest challenge mentally, physically, and Spiritually. I am still suffering from my fall last week and am scheduled for the first surgery on this Monday, March 11th. With all this added expense of co-pays, medications, supplies, GAS, etc. my meager budget is blown out the window! This financial pressure weighs very heavily on me. I do not like to owe people money or be late on my bills. I have asked a few family members to help me out through this crisis. Let's see. In the meantime, my very frugal daughter clipped coupons and went online with our grocery store member card to get even more savings. She made a list and got most of the groceries we will need for the month. The total bill was $318.77. I almost died! I only get $113.00 in food stamps. Well, after we got all of the discounts, we only paid $120.27! We scraped up the extra cash for the difference, paid the lady and went home giddy. Now that is God working to provide for us the things we need. We Praise God for everything. Even this latest setback has me Praising Him and giving Him all the Glory for Victory over this evil world. It has given me new opportunities to declare His Mercy and Blessings. Your continuous Prayers are giving me strength to get through each day. I Pray that God will Bless you through whatever you are going through and remember to Praise God in the hard times, too!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
18th Entry - Another Challenge To Deal With!
Well, I have had another setback! The other day I went out to walk our new dog.
we got her from a lady here in the Senior Mobile Home Park who had to go to an assisted living facility. The dog is an 11 yr old Shih-Tzu. She is very well behaved and a joy to have.
As I was walking her the other day, and, long story short, I slipped and fell on the ice. I hit hard. I sustained a concussion, fractured fingers (one is only hanging on by the skin), skinned up nose and upper lip, sore neck and lower back. My neighbor saw it all and called the ambulance. The dog was unharmed. My speech was affected but is getting better now. I am very sick from this and must have surgeries to fix my broken bones. It could have been much worse.
Please continue to keep me in your Prayers for my recovery. I will strive to faithfully keep you posted. <3
we got her from a lady here in the Senior Mobile Home Park who had to go to an assisted living facility. The dog is an 11 yr old Shih-Tzu. She is very well behaved and a joy to have.
As I was walking her the other day, and, long story short, I slipped and fell on the ice. I hit hard. I sustained a concussion, fractured fingers (one is only hanging on by the skin), skinned up nose and upper lip, sore neck and lower back. My neighbor saw it all and called the ambulance. The dog was unharmed. My speech was affected but is getting better now. I am very sick from this and must have surgeries to fix my broken bones. It could have been much worse.
Please continue to keep me in your Prayers for my recovery. I will strive to faithfully keep you posted. <3
Saturday, February 16, 2013
17th Entry - EPIPHANY!!!!
Thank you for faithfully following this blog and for your fervent Prayers on my behalf.
You have experienced me at my darkest hour and have been with me on this journey seeing how God (and your Prayers) has been working in my life. I hope sharing my experiences has helped you cope with your own trials in life under God's direction and our willingness to yield to His Will.
There has never been a doubt that God led me to move across the country to a place I have never been, nor did I know a soul here. After repeated encounters with my newfound Sisters and Brothers in Christ where the Holy Spirit has led me to testify the Words were NOT mine, but what God needed me to say, I received a Holy Epiphany! This morning, while I was waiting for a food basket and a local church, a very handsome young man sat next to me. I sensed he was hurting and some how we struck up a conversation. I really cannot remember all that we said, but I felt so compelled to provide honest encouragement and affirmation that God loves him and that he is a beautiful person. I felt so much love, strife, and pain from this young man. After a while he got up and said he had to go outside. I thought, oh Lord, did I offend him? Please forgive me if I did. After several minutes, he returned. He looked at me with watering eyes and said, "How/Why did we meet"? I replied that it can only be God working in our lives. Then my number was called and I rose to go. This beautiful young man stood up, hugged me, and said "How can I let you go"? I told him that we are never really apart, that we are joined by The Holy Spirit and that we will be dancing on Streets of Gold in GloryLand! I stepped back and told him I would be right back. I grabbed a piece of paper and found a pen. I drew a big heart and inside it I wrote my name, phone number, and this blog address. I gave it to him and told him he can reach me anytime. I got my food allotment and left. In the car, on the way home, I Prayed and Prayed for that man. Immediately, after I finished my Prayer, God zapped me with His Holy Purpose for me here in this new home. God needs me to go through all these cruel and painful trials and move 1,700 miles from the place I had always lived so I can bring His Words to the souls He Leads to me or me to. This blog is a part of my Ministerial Service and calling as well. I hope by sharing my struggles, overcoming adversities, and witnessing the results of your Faithful Prayers, you are gaining strength to endure and overcome trials in your lives, and seeking God will in your lives.
Back in my 10th Entry, do you remember how I shared the viewer statistics with you? I thought you would like an update. Well here goes:
You are one of many viewers from 10 different countries!
United States = 1,376
Australia = 99
Russia = 38
Germany = 13
Latvia = 13
United Kingdom = 9
Canada = 6
Ukraine = 5
Italy = 4
Romania = 3
For a Total of: 1,579 views!!!!
You are a part of a worldwide Prayer chain! You are a part of God in Action! We are a family of God!
Thank you, again for your Prayers and faithfulness. God is Love. I Love you! We are Love!
You have experienced me at my darkest hour and have been with me on this journey seeing how God (and your Prayers) has been working in my life. I hope sharing my experiences has helped you cope with your own trials in life under God's direction and our willingness to yield to His Will.
There has never been a doubt that God led me to move across the country to a place I have never been, nor did I know a soul here. After repeated encounters with my newfound Sisters and Brothers in Christ where the Holy Spirit has led me to testify the Words were NOT mine, but what God needed me to say, I received a Holy Epiphany! This morning, while I was waiting for a food basket and a local church, a very handsome young man sat next to me. I sensed he was hurting and some how we struck up a conversation. I really cannot remember all that we said, but I felt so compelled to provide honest encouragement and affirmation that God loves him and that he is a beautiful person. I felt so much love, strife, and pain from this young man. After a while he got up and said he had to go outside. I thought, oh Lord, did I offend him? Please forgive me if I did. After several minutes, he returned. He looked at me with watering eyes and said, "How/Why did we meet"? I replied that it can only be God working in our lives. Then my number was called and I rose to go. This beautiful young man stood up, hugged me, and said "How can I let you go"? I told him that we are never really apart, that we are joined by The Holy Spirit and that we will be dancing on Streets of Gold in GloryLand! I stepped back and told him I would be right back. I grabbed a piece of paper and found a pen. I drew a big heart and inside it I wrote my name, phone number, and this blog address. I gave it to him and told him he can reach me anytime. I got my food allotment and left. In the car, on the way home, I Prayed and Prayed for that man. Immediately, after I finished my Prayer, God zapped me with His Holy Purpose for me here in this new home. God needs me to go through all these cruel and painful trials and move 1,700 miles from the place I had always lived so I can bring His Words to the souls He Leads to me or me to. This blog is a part of my Ministerial Service and calling as well. I hope by sharing my struggles, overcoming adversities, and witnessing the results of your Faithful Prayers, you are gaining strength to endure and overcome trials in your lives, and seeking God will in your lives.
Back in my 10th Entry, do you remember how I shared the viewer statistics with you? I thought you would like an update. Well here goes:
You are one of many viewers from 10 different countries!
United States = 1,376
Australia = 99
Russia = 38
Germany = 13
Latvia = 13
United Kingdom = 9
Canada = 6
Ukraine = 5
Italy = 4
Romania = 3
For a Total of: 1,579 views!!!!
You are a part of a worldwide Prayer chain! You are a part of God in Action! We are a family of God!
Thank you, again for your Prayers and faithfulness. God is Love. I Love you! We are Love!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Sweet 16 - I Have Been Sick!
Sorry about my absence. The first three weeks of the new year had me down. Even though I got my Flu & Pneumonia shots when I was hospitalized in September, I got very sick with "Bronchitis". Either these shots are worthless, or they truly need to come up with a Bronchitis shot too! My immune system is very weak from this Cancer so I spent most of my time hacking up pieces of my lungs and laying in bed. Slowly but surely, I am getting my strength back. I totally felt your Prayers and thank you for them.
Christmas turned out to be very nice! One of my uncles, a cousin, and two very dear friends sent me money and gift cards. I was able to get car insurance and a tag - woot woot. We also bought food and personal items we needed so badly and even had enough to buy each other a few practical gifts.
See how our God Loves us and answers our Prayers? He is so awesome, even though I don't understand His will sometimes. All He asks for is the Faith of a child.
I have Faithfully kept you all in my Prayers, even during my infirmity. I know you have needs and Pray that our Loving Father have mercy on you and pour out Blessings in your lives. Praise Him in the good times and in the storms, for the abundance and the needs, for good health and illness.
I will strive to post more frequently and love hearing from you!
God Bless You & Your Families!
Christmas turned out to be very nice! One of my uncles, a cousin, and two very dear friends sent me money and gift cards. I was able to get car insurance and a tag - woot woot. We also bought food and personal items we needed so badly and even had enough to buy each other a few practical gifts.
See how our God Loves us and answers our Prayers? He is so awesome, even though I don't understand His will sometimes. All He asks for is the Faith of a child.
I have Faithfully kept you all in my Prayers, even during my infirmity. I know you have needs and Pray that our Loving Father have mercy on you and pour out Blessings in your lives. Praise Him in the good times and in the storms, for the abundance and the needs, for good health and illness.
I will strive to post more frequently and love hearing from you!
God Bless You & Your Families!
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