Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fifth Entry

So, the lady who is so gracious to house and feed me and my daughter got a call from her doctor Wednesday evening.  He was concerned about a recent x-ray which showed her pneumonia had cleared, but was concerned about congestion around her heart and a spot in each lung.  She stayed overnight and was discharged Thursday around 5:30 p.m.  She has to go get a needle biopsy this week.  I hope and pray that she does not have cancer (she, like me, never smoked, etc).  Cancer sucks and of all the people in the world, this lady definitely does not deserve a fate such as this.  My daughter and I are still sharing a queen sized sofa bed and are very grateful to have a bed and a roof over our heads.  I have been in Prayer a lot, trying to deal with all this stress.  God has Blessed me with the comfort of His Holy Spirit.  I must trust that He is taking care of this life for me and all I need to do is be obedient to His will.  I can't describe how very grateful I am for everyone's Prayers and encouragement.  Your Faithfulness strengthens me.  I am truly Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. There is another woman I have read online before named Wendy Martin. She has also been homeless periodically and suffers from a myriad of health issues. She lives on SS and has learned to be really creative with it. Her blog is She is also on Facebook and she once had an underground house and homestead called Peace and Carrots. If you Google you should be able to find and contact her. She is friendly and full of free advice. :)
    Best wishes to you and our family will keep you in our prayers!
